RM of Bjorkdale No. 426

Tender Request

Tender Request: Snow Removal at Chelan

October 9, 2024

The RM of Bjorkdale No.426 is accepting tenders for:

Please submit your tender to the municipal office marked:
“Hamlet of Chelan Snow Removal Contract”
Before 3:00 pm, Friday, October 25, 2024
To request a tender form, contact the RM of Bjorkdale:
Box 60, Bjorkdale, SK, S0E 0E0
Or phone: 306-886-2470
Or email: [email protected]

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Chelan Waterworks Financials

Note that the following
information required pursuant to section 54 of the
is available for inspection at the municipal office during
regular office hours:

  • Waterworks rate policy and capital investment strategy.
  • 2022 waterworks financial overview as per the below.
  • Current reserves.
  • Most recent waterworks independent engineering assessment.
  • Capital plans for waterworks infrastructure projects and sources of funding.